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Is it okay to choose replacement accessories for air compressor maintenance?

Jan 22, 2024

Over the years, our company has contacted many air compressor customers, and many customers are very entangled in the selection of air compressor accessories. If the original parts are used for maintenance, the price has no advantage and cannot save costs. If you use replacement parts , The price is indeed saved a lot, but the quality is not reassuring. After all, it is not the original factory, I don't know if it will cause other effects on the machine. This has been hesitating, and the maintenance of the machine has been delayed. If the maintenance is delayed, the machine will still be affected, and some will directly cause downtime and delay production. This is not the way to go. In short, the problem has to be solved. For this situation, you can refer to a few points:

1. When choosing a new machine, you must first consider various aspects such as brand, quality, cost performance, etc. It is recommended to negotiate the maintenance during the warranty period for the new machine. The maintenance effect of the air compressor manufacturer during the warranty period is acceptable. It has been observed, and if there is a problem during the warranty period of the new machine, you can find the original manufacturer.

2. Choose a regular maintenance team for equipment maintenance. If the user considers that the original accessories are relatively expensive, the company does not want to waste this cost. It is recommended to find a regular maintenance team for equipment maintenance, even if the original accessories are not used, Be sure to ensure that there are no problems with the accessories used for machine maintenance and will not affect the life of the machine.

3. The staff of air compressor users also need to learn some common sense in air compressor maintenance and repair, so that it is easy to identify inferior accessories and wrong machine operation, and can also timely identify the cause of machine failure and feedback or repair the machine situation.